The text is a reprint of an article which first appeared in The Guardian, 29 January, 1983, being a powerful diatribe against nuclear proliferation - employing, most effectively, the reverberant language of the Authorised Version of the Bible.
Editions & Inscriptions
Copies of the Main Edition are Signed by author and artist.
Albertus and wood letter type. Printed on Three Candlesticks mould-made paper on a Vandercook proofing press. 8 linocuts. Stitched into a cream card fold with 2 repeated linocuts printed in black and title printed in red.
The Holy Bomb
Published in 1983
12 pp.
210 x 220 mm
Editions & Availability
200 copies were printed of the Main Edition
The Main Edition is no longer available.
Special Editions are not available.